Deep Dive into Life Insurance

With how unpredictable our world is, life insurance is something everyone should have. However, it can feel overwhelming with so many insurance companies, plans, and policy types to choose from. Ensuring you pick a policy that works for you and your family will give you peace of mind as you prepare for the future. So what exactly is life insurance? Let’s deep dive together.

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Insurance Break Down

We all know that we need to have some type of insurance policy, but knowing what the best policy and agency to go with can be tricky. That is the first step to being insured is purchasing insurance; you need to find an agency and agent you can trust. This agent should have your best interest in mind; they should help you find a policy to match your individual needs. After working with a trusted agent, you will have a regular payment to an insurance carrier referred to as your “premium”. Premiums can be paid monthly, semiannually, or annually. In exchange for your premium, the insurance carrier agrees to pay for any loss if a covered event occurs, referred to as a “claim”. Insurance works by spreading the risk of loss across many months to make the financial burden of the risk lower for all.

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16 Questions to Ask Your Insurance Agent

Understanding your insurance is so important–you never want to find out you don’t have the right coverage only after an incident occurs. Make sure you have the coverage you need and make adjustments if you need to. No matter how long you have had your policy, give your agent a call today and ask a…

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What Auto Insurance Do I Need?

We all know that you need some form of car insurance to drive in the U.S., though it can vary by state. Most importantly, you probably want more than the legal minimum coverage to ensure you are fully protected while on the road. So let’s run through a quick crash course on all things auto insurance.

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Your Guide to Health Insurance

Navigating the complex world of health insurance can often be overwhelming and confusing. If you don’t receive a health insurance plan through your employer, you are often on your own to find a provider and a plan that works for you and your family. Even if you select a plan, are you confident it is the best coverage for your budget and healthcare needs?

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Captive vs Independent Insurance Agent

Understanding the choices you have when it comes to insurance shouldn’t be complicated. So in the simplest of terms, let’s look at what a captive vs. independent insurance agent is.

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How to Find An Insurance Agent

Finding an insurance agent you trust is a critical piece of ensuring you have the coverage you need. But with so many options out there, how do you know which agent is right for you and your unique needs?

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